Acts 15:36-41 (ESV)
And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are.” Now Barnabas wanted to take with them John called Mark. But Paul thought best not to take with them one who had withdrawn from them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work. And there arose a sharp disagreement, so that they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and departed, having been commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement about John Mark going with them on their missionary journey. Sometimes we may have a disagreement in our Church family and we need to be careful that we handle disagreements with grace, truth and love. It we have a doctrinal issue we must deal with it and hold to the Bible. We must be careful to speak in love and be motivated by love in every action we take and every word we speak. If we have an issue that is a matter of opinion we should not seek to bind something that God has not bound in His word. It we are seeking to put others needs ahead of own, if we are seeking to put God and Christ first in our life, if we truly desire to follow after the will of God, and if we speak with grace, truth, and love we can handle disagreements the right way.
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